Category Archives: rant

2017 TOP 5 POSTS! 3rd Place – The RC Racing Market is Broken and it’s my Fault

This one was a bit surprising. The post was originally made in August of 2016, but somehow it was still relevant and on the surface, enough to become the 3rd most popular post on the blog in 2017!

3rd Place – The RC Racing Market is Broken and it’s my Fault


2017, Top 5 Posts! 4th Place – #Watergate

Well, we all knew this one would make the list! WATERGATE! The biggest news in RC in 2017 right? Oh my lord was this a big one. Weeks of FB fights thanks to Degani’s water fuel. People seemed to get really passionate about this debacle.

5th Place: #Watergate

This blog post was also when the fued between #spamadamdrake and yours truly began. A couple of blog posts about “Operation Richard Saxton”, a couple of others making fun of the fact that  I beat him with a borrowed AE, and egos got hurt. Well now it’s just the gift that keeps on giving.

Trump Is a Nazi, and Sanders is a Commie

Recently there has been a political shift in the western world which seems to be heading more and more towards right wing ideologies, thanks to ideas such as blaming immigrants and muslims for most of the issues in society, and blaming government regulation and taxation, along with the poor people on welfare for whatever issues are left over.

I made the comment on a facebook post a while ago where I said that if there is to be a solution to the worlds problems it won’t be found by voting in right wing governments. I wrote that a solution would need to be approached from the left’s core values, if one is to be found. This comment received some backlash, and I said I would write a blog about it because it’s not a simple issue. Let’s start by defining the terms.


  • Liberal

  • Universal care and compassion central to the political ideology – empathy.

  • Highest value placed on fairness and equality.

  • Open to new experiences, creativity, diversity, variety.

  • Socialism within a capitalist society. Individuals and companies are able to do business and succeed, but the government makes sure no one is left behind, universal healthcare, free education, welfare programs. Let’s call it capitalism with empathy.

  • Speak for the oppressed, want change and justice even over order and tradition.

Extreme left, the fringes, clearly not the way to go

  • Communism

  • Social Justice Warriors

  • Political Correctness, trigger warnings, safe spaces


  • Conservative

  • The well being and success of your own ”tribe”, a survival of the fittest, winner takes all mentality central to the ideology.

  • Highest value placed on tradition, the nation state, economic freedom, liberty of the individual to succeed without interference from the government, such as excessive taxation or regulation.

  • Free markets, deregulation, privatisation, winner takes all in the sense that people are free to pursue success, and there should be little or no welfare, and in the case of America, no universal healthcare or free education. Let’s call it capitalism on steroids.

  • Speak for the nation, institutions and traditions, resist change even at the expense of the oppressed or the weak.

Extreme right, the fringes, clearly not the way to go

  • Fascism, nationalism

  • Nazies, racial supremacists, nativists

  • Patriotism that turns into hateriotism.

One of the major problems in Europe today is immigration. I don’t think it’s a major problem in America, even though the Americans seem to think it is. I think to explain my point best I’ll use immigration as an example, and a discussion about the problem in Finland, but the basic idea works for any problem in society. I’m not proposing a solution to the immigration issue, but explaining why I think the solution will be found by basing it on left wing values.

Part 1: Defining the Problem

A large number of refugees and immigrants are entering Europe and then Finland. This leads to
– crime
– unemployment
– The state welfare, medical services, schools, subsidies, etc. are burdened and it could lead to the potential collapse of the welfare state.
– The rich western countries have a healthy positive culture (human rights, equality, freedom etc.). A large amount of immigrants who don’t share these values could lead to the damage or loss of the positive aspects of our culture.

Solutions need to be found to the above problems. All thinking people agree with this, the above statements are not a matter of opinion, they are real risks. The dispute here is not really about the validity of those claims, but to what extent the points mentioned above actually are or will become problems, and how they should be solved. The right wing exaggerate the problems with anti immigration propaganda, and the left wing belittle and minimise the problems, even going as far as to covering up news about crimes committed by immigrants, in order to not fuel the fire on the right.

Part 2: What to do?


Help the needy the best we can. Solve the above problems by other means, working on integrating and educating immigrants.


Build a wall! Don’t let anyone in! Finland only for Finns!

The world is complex and it is challenging to build and sustain a functioning society. However, there is one in Finland, and there can still be one in the future if the problems are analysed and solved.

Part 3: Arguments

Finnish right wing ideology supporters tend to argue:

  • The blacks just hang around in the city centers and don’t work.

  • The muslims come here and rape our women and steal our welfare money.

  • There are mainly men coming here, they are too cowardly to fight for their country, so they leave their families and come here. What pieces of shit.

  • Lazy immigrants don’t want to work, just break the law and live on welfare.

All of the above negative allegations apply to 90% (or an equivalent, however, a clear majority) of:

  • Immigrants

  • Dark skinned people

  • Muslims

Part 4: Counter Arguments

A Finnish left wing ideology supporter could counter those arguments like this:

Crime, unemployment, laziness, and all the other negative right wing arguments are not particular traits reserved for immigrants, blacks or muslims. White Europeans do all of those things too.

Poverty and the lack of an education are a major cause of these problems. When a poor uneducated couple start a family the child does not share the same opportunities as a child born into an educated better off family. We need to accept this.

For example, in the United States after over 200 years of slavery, the black population was still killed, tortured, discriminated against and trampled over when it came to education, work or owning property for another century or more, and they are now in general poorer and less educated in relation to white Americans. Is it then a surprise that the crime rates in predominantly black neighbourhoods is higher than that of crime in predominantly white neighborhoods?

Is the solution to the problem then to blame black people for being lazy, leaches on welfare, ignorant and criminals, or should we possibly try to understand what has led to this situation? Does it make more sense to work on improving education and work opportunities, and figuring out solutions locally with the community in question, or is it better that the police target, harass, and far too often shoot and kill these “thugs” in the street?

Back to immigration.

The majority of the immigrants coming to Finland are normal people who want a good happy and healthy life, for themselves, their own family and all their friends. I can say this because the majority of people in the world are normal people who want a good happy and healthy life, for themselves and their own family and all their friends. It’s not like only the assholes made the trip over. People from all walks of life did.

If Finland continues in the same fashion, as a welfare state where all people are taken care of, supported, educated, and respected, things will continue as they have done so far. If Finland decides to change over to a right wing ideology, which stirs up hatred and division, if we start to fight and to discriminate, things will go to hell. (Look at many communities in USA right now).

Part 5: Counter…Counter Arguments – Why Left wing ideologies won’t work.

If the blinkered lefties, the “libtards” cannot see any problems with immigration and go on naively, without addressing the issues, things will also end badly. (See, for example, certain areas of Sweden). Everything should not be understood or accepted, in the name of remaining politically correct or culturally sensitive. In Finland there is a saying, “maassa maan tavalla”, basically “when in Rome, do as the Romans”, and even though the saying has been hijacked by the more extreme right wing, there is still some truth to it. There are reasons for Finland being a rich country with a high standard of living, and they have to do with the way the society is built to be free and fair.

Religious and cultural practices that trample human rights, freedom and the well being of people in general have no place in a 2017 society. That needs to be made clear from the start.

Religious and cultural practices that trample human rights, freedom and the well being of people in general have no place in a 2017 society. That needs to be made clear from the start. Finland has certain laws and societal norms, and there is no need to bend over backwards to make room for new ones, not on small or big issues. We eat ham while celebrating Christmas, and women are equal to men, and aren’t stoned to death, or murdered in honor killings. As an immigrant you don’t have to eat ham, but you need to accept that others do, and you do have to treat women as equals. See what I mean? There are good ideas and there are bad ideas, and bad ideas need to be challenged, which will lead to their eventual destruction.

Part 6: THE Conclusion

World views can be roughly divided into two parts.

Left = “Libtards” who care for all people and human values.

Right: “We’re better than you, so piss off.”

The rational thinking person understands that the truth, and the solution can be found somewhere between left and right, and the further to one side you go, the more problems there will be.

The rational thinking person understands that the truth, and the solution can be found somewhere between left and right, and the further to one side you go, the more problems there will be.

MY OPINION IS that the best possible result is achieved when approaching a societal problem from the left, that is, basing your ideology on the idea of equal human dignity, human rights and the general well being of all. This is quite universally seen as “left wing” thinking, and that is why I wrote what I did on FB. It does not mean that everyone should have equal opportunities, or wealth, or outcomes in life, but what it does mean is that there are certain non negotiable rights that are inherent to all human beings, and that every persons life and dignity needs to be respected. That means that decisions are made by taking everyone into account, which leads to more equal opportunities for all.

A right wing ideology inevitably creates division, because a right wing ideology focuses on the relevant “tribe”. By stirring up hatred, by fighting, by blaming, by waging war, discriminating, escalating fear, emphasising differences (skin colour, religion, nationality), and viewing your own “tribe” as superior is not a way to solve problems. We have learned that repeatedly throughout history. I don’t understand how people still in this day and age cannot understand this, and how they can’t see the potential catastrophe we face by marching right into it. (Pun intended).

The thing is that today we live in a global world, and in a global world it is not possible to find peace without expanding your empathy level to a global level too.

The thing is that today we live in a global world, and in a global world it is not possible to find peace without expanding your empathy level to a global level too. Like the black eyed peas sing ”if you only have love for your own race, then you only leave space to discriminate.” That’s true when it comes to nations, religions, political ideologies or sexual preferences. More division is not going to lead to peace. If solutions to today’s problems are to be found, they need to be based on the notion that we all have equal human value at birth, and that as a society we should strive for fairness and equality. After that you mix left and right wing values and ideas, but what exists at the core has to be non negotiable.

But what do I know, I’m just a village idiot from Finland.

Done With The Blog

I’m done with it, at least for the next month, maybe more. I have a few blogs to post still, and then that’s it. Tired of it tbh. No blog tomorrow. It’s been over a year. Read old ones if you miss it 🙂

Bad For The Industry

Here are some posts that are bad for the industry.





Stupid people should refrain from attempting to put other people down, because the only outcome is that they will look more stupid than they seemed before they started talking. Normally, the more ignorant and the less successful you are, the more you talk about, and hate on other people. The statement below is a great one. The reason for this is simple. Small minds cannot comprehend new ideas.

Making Loop is Live Famous

These two idiots interviewed me for their dumb podcast. I think if you want to understand me better you should listen to it here.

I felt like I had to go on there and deal with all the bullshit they put out there.

Who Gets Canned 1st? – POLL

With the economy as bad as it is, companies are saving on budgets, and that made for the most interesting silly season yet. While some drivers are performing and making positive steps forward, like Maifield and Ongaro for example, others are struggling, or may be victims of the environment. Collateral damage to downsized budgets and changes in strategy. Let’s take a look at a few possible drivers that may be looking for new rides shortly, I’ll let you decide. I made it a poll!

Cody quickly checks to see if he has been fired, between rounds.

1. Cody King – HB Racing

Cody is a World Champion, and a great talent. However, he has one drawback, lack of work ethic, and it seems like the new HB owners have realised this. Cody did not attend the Neo Race, probably because he needs to get his shit together before HB spend any money on him. Will he get it together, or will he get canned?

2. Ryan Cavalieri – AE

Ryan was just put on probation for a month by AE, and with Rivkin moving through the ranks, and being sent all over the World for racing, are AE trying to replace Cav with Riv? Will he stay or will he get placed on permanent probation?

What Drake would look like if he had a chin.

3. Adam Drake – Mugen

Adam once had a happy life at TLR. Then TLR hired Maifield. TLR realised that Maifield was winning and Adam wasn’t. TLR canned Adam. Now Adam was happy at Mugen, and hired Maifield. Maifield is winning everything, and Adam isn’t. Will Adam get canned again?

“What do you mean you won’t pay me?”

4. Dakotah Phend – TLR

Phend is Phast, but TLR have been downsizing, heavily. Will they still pay a top guy in 2018?

And the lord said: “It was merely a racing incident” – Quarinthians 3:77

5. Jared Tebo – Kyosho

Tebo is a legend, but even legends can’t survive on no money. Will Kyosho follow Tamiya and not pay top drivers? The rumours have been circulating for years.

Ty’s reaction when he heard Xray would run Pillow balls through out 2020.

6. Ty Tessmann – Xray

If you were sceptical about Tessmann’s frustration at the Xray 8th scale program, you need not wonder anymore. Because only frustration, desperation, and a complete plummeting self confidence can push someone to cause a Try Traction Scandal. My opinion is, that there are 3 possible outcomes. A: Ty works on setup, adjusts his driving style, like Tiger Woods re-worked his swing, and gets back to his winning ways. B: Xray make a new go back to a c-hub front end (they have the parts, it’s easy) in order to please Ty. C:anned.

Max demonstrating how to respect kind, caring and supportive people.

8. Max Mört

This cocky bastard is just about to start beating his boss. And that’s never a good thing. One great race could be all it takes!

Vote below, and please share.

Vote here.



To Win At Any Cost – Try Traction

Spy photo of the new Pro-Concept Diamond Suburb, Hole Bars, Diamond Fighter,  Crime Bars.

Just in case no one reads the whole thing, let’s just put this out there:

Ty Tessmann is ProLine’s poster child, and he ran JConcepts Diamond Bars in the NeoBuggy nitro main. Why is this big news? For a few reasons, but if you want to know them, you have to read on.

After transitioning from racer to designer and owner, well sort of, I do all those things at the same time, I have had the opportunity to look at things wearing all those hats. At the end of the day, we go racing to win. I have written a lot about the mental approach to racing, how to practice, and test, and just about racing in general. I realise that all the drivers at the top, go to the race looking to win, and anything else is a failure. The question everyone has to answer for themselves, is where to draw the line, do you cheat, or do you put personal relationships, and your integrity on the line in order to do so, or do you play by the book, and simply do your best with what you have?

This post isn’t really about cheating, but rather about this mentality that drivers have:

  1. I am getting beat, my equipment is holding me back, I need to have different car/tyres/engine/other, or else I can’t win.
  2. I am getting beat, obviously these other guys beating me are cheating.

The number one reason for team drivers to leave JQRacing has been, “It doesn’t suit my style”, which is code speak for, “I think your car isn’t very good, it’s holding me back, I will do much better with another car”. Without exception, these situations have resulted in no noticeable improvement in results, and in the best cases, worse results. The reason for this is, that after a certain level of product quality, the difference isn’t the product, it’s what you do with it. Let me make this absolutely clear:

Almost without exception, the difference between winning and not winning is how well you can maximise the performance of the products you have. Everything works together, and changing one thing throws off the balance. Looking for shortcuts is not the way to move forward.

So now we have a high profile case of mental meltdown, in the form of Ty Tessmann resorting to running a different brand tyre, because he was convinced that ProLine tyres were holding him back. This is an understandable reaction, but one that should be thwarted by the surrounding team, not encouraged. Let’s look at some facts:

  • It didn’t help that he ran JC. 20-20 vision I know, but these things don’t work out. Really.
  • On the other hand, what if he won? How do you hide that?
  • Boots finished 2nd with ProLine tyres.
  • If you are going to run something else, why would you not run AKA’s that were arguably the best tyres at the event?
  • If you are going to run something different, why on earth would you sneak new tyres on after the race, at least go all the way and have a set of used PLs ready.

I had no idea of this until I went to check the tyre wear after the main, and Ty’s tyres looked brand new. I know Ty is a smooth driver, but this was ridiculous. I immediately put my CSI hat on, and began investigating. I found out that Maifield handed Gord the JC tyres in the pits. They were glued up in the DXR tent, before the main. Photos were avoided before the main, and they were immediately switched out after the main. This is obviously not an awesome look for the righteous Tessmann family. However, the pressure to win can corrupt the best of us, specially if the pressure is coming from you chassis manufacturer (pure speculation, based on past events). My point is, the Tessmann family are good people, this isn’t a personal attack on them, rather a highlighting of a way of thinking that racers employ, regardless of level, that is in my opinion flawed.

What makes it worse is the fact that ProLine has cracked down on team drivers using other brand tyres at other than control tyre events, actually going as far as posting about this on their Facebook group, and cutting a driver(s) off the team that have been caught doing so.

Will Tessmann be cut? I highly doubt it.

Will he ever do this again? I highly doubt it.

Not with this blog around.

Leaked footage of Gord at ProLine post NEO de-brief.

Our team of investigators uncovered this final piece of ‘telling’ evidence in the Try Traction Scandal.

Neo17 – Day 4, Mains & Pains

JQ cleaning up his car after smashing it to bits in his semi final. According to JQ himself he got so excited about catching and passing Dakotah Phend and Darren Bloomfield that he imploded.

Neo17 is done. 1th impressions.

– Ongaro was impressive, it’s almost like he is a virgin.

– Wings are overrated, clearly.

– At least 1/3 of JConcepts won the race. #raceaka

– Maifield ran out of white wheels: Final proof that yellow wheels are slower.

– The world champ was driving two cars. Too bad they were attached to the same chassis.

– AE team broke all non-AE parts. #wearen’tAE

– This just in: Typical Euro Layout suits stick radio.

– Maifield was on fire in eBuggy.

– Neo just isn’t the same without Hollywood and Showtime. I love them both, please come back!

– Xray: Wollanka didn’t turn up for his final, Coelho didn’t turn up for the event, Tessman’s tyres didn’t turn up for the main. #ProConcepts #2Bcontinued


Day 1, so far so good. Practice has gone better than ever before at NEO. I seeded into both top heats, 14th in both, which I have never done before. My lap times are OK, but still 1 second off the best. I would like to see if I can find the pace needed. My cars feel really good. I made changes for each round, and both times the changes improved my car. Now for tomorrow  I will just leave them, and drive as well as I can! Sounds easy.

The track is very good in my opinion, faster and more flowing than most years. Similar to last year, which was the first of this new style. I prefer this a lot to how it used to be, tight, hairpins, etc. This is wider, and more raceable. It also has sections where good drivers can go for it a bit more, and make up time, which is how great tracks should be. We don’t want everyone doing the same thing every lap. The surface seems really bumpy and uneven, catching a lot of drivers out in seemingly easy sections.

There is really no rest, you have to be driving your car and concentrating at all times. In the first practice, I kept forgetting that the front straight ends right after the driverstand. I just went straight and then last minute handbrake, which was quite embarrassing.

Everyone seems to be running clay compound once again, the AKA guys running slay Typos for the most part it seems. I don’t know if one tyre is better than another, they all seem to be pretty equal at this point. As for car’s, this track isn’t really the kind of track that will favour one type of car, because it has a good mix of everything, it has the jumps, and woops, but it also has on power bumpy corners, as well as off camber sections, and tight corners. So a car really needs to be good at everything, and not be lacking in any department………………….C-hub!

Max Mört is doing very well at his first NEO, and so is Petri Ström, the mini cup champ running a loaner. After each other in 54th and 55th.

I really only have one main point from today.

We started racing at 8:30 or 9, and the day ended at 8pm. There were 23 heats, and we all raced 3 times, except the lucky ones racing both classes, that got to run 6 times. INFINITELY MORE ENJOYABLE THAN 6:30 TO 4AM COMPLETE BULLSHIT “RACES”. Just sayin’. We actually had time to socialise, and get some sleep.

Neobuggy is a race for the RACER, and one that looks to improve RC, with extensive coverage, a lot of track time (value for money), special dash for cash and junior final events, food, snacks, hobby shops on site, and even accomodation. It’s just really damn good, and all these professional race promoters running  these money grabbing races elsewhere should take note.
